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About Us

Emotions punctuate almost all the significant events in our lives, but the nature, causes, and consequences of the emotions are among the least well understood aspects of human experience. In recent decades there has arisen a significantly greater interest in the study of emotions by scholars in various fields. Such an interdisciplinary interest and interaction are crucial for the understanding of emotions. Nevertheless, we believe that there is room for more intensive discussions among scholars about specifically philosophical issues within the broad area of the study of emotions.


The European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering the philosophical study of emotions by providing a forum for exchanging views, so as to increase the interaction or collaboration among its members. The Society will make a special effort to involve young philosophers in its activities.


Although the title of the Society refers to European philosophers, the Society will be open to people from other countries, as well as to those who are not philosophers by profession, but have an interest in interacting academically with philosophers.


The inaugural conference was held at the New University of Lisbon on July 18-20, 2014.

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